Dollar Tree Legos and You!

Despite the price increase Dollar Tree still remains my favorite store to casually wander around and find cheap things for my low budget projects. It can be anything from rubber lizards to throw at bandmates to small canvasses to paint dinosaur skulls onto. Magic can happen at Dollar Tree!

I even captured a tiny Skeletor that had been lurking around my local store.

One of the many off-brand items I have purchased from there are the Make-It Blocks which are their version of Legos and are a lot less expensive. I first started buying random packs to make cityscapes to take pictures of my various Kaiju figures stomping about.

Look at those fine Android effects. MMM-HMM.

Also in that picture you may notice some fancier buildings than what typical off-brand Legos could produce. Well, let me tell you something now! You see, Make-It Blocks also have a landmark series featuring famous places like the Empire State Building or the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

The Golden Gate Bridge was constructed out of lobster parts.

Later on I discovered there were minifigs including… Zombies!!!

These are not edible.

Now these minifigs aren’t as sturdy as Legos but definitely work for what I wanted to use them for. I was trying to come up with an idea for an album cover for my band, Drunkicide. We had quite a few songs that had been recorded long ago and I wanted to put them out where people could hear them instead of them trying to download them off Myspace in the year 2019. That whole story will get it’s own blog one day but basically I was looking for cheap, silly horror. I went to town on buying Make-It Blocks and spent hours putting together the perfect image. Then I used a 15 year old digital camera to ruin it.

Music no longer available on Yahoo Groups.

Well after I finished the album cover I went in a different direction with my creative endeavors. I didn’t really look too closely on the toy aisle at Dollar Tree and when I did no building blocks caught my eye. At least until last week when I found out there are other Zombie sets!

Quite gruesome for a child’s toy… or is it?!?
Little Goji for size reference.

No idea what I’m gonna do with this new set but apparently there are two others available. I’ll have to do some digging and maybe visit some of the bigger Dollar Trees down here in Central Texas. If I get my hands on them I get the feeling my creative juices might get flowing and that can mean one of two things: something good or a big old mess.

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