Ewok Lunch Box

Sounds like a crappy band, but it was what I carried my fine meals in while in elementary school.  I have no idea why I suddenly thought of it so straight to Google Images I went:

How could you fit food of any size in there with that ginormous thermos?

This was also the time when plastic lunch boxes were replacing the metal ones.  So if you wanted to bash a fellow student over the head it was much less satisfying.  And might break your lunch box.  It made it hard to defend my love for Ewoks.  That and the Ewoks cartoon.

’80s cuteness.

Look, Ewoks were ruthless killers.  Smashing AT-STs with logs, stoning storm troopers, shooting arrows hither and yon.  Hell, decapitating scout troopers by pulling vines in the path of their speeder bikes is pretty damn bloodthirsty.  And what else happened?

Screw you Empire, we’re using your corpses as musical instruments.


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